EASAC Council
The Council is EASAC's full assembly and governing body. It is composed of 30 highly experienced scientists - one representative from each member academy.

Council sets EASAC's direction, agrees the initiation of projects, monitors their progress and reviews and approves reports for publication. EASAC works on the assumption that Council members also consult with their nominating academies. Council meets two to three times per year.
Apart from the National Science Academies of the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and United Kingdom, Academia Europaea (a pan-European Academy) and ALLEA (the federation of all academies in geographical Europe) are also represented in EASAC Council.
FEAM, the Federation of European Academies of Medicine, has Observer status in Council.
EASAC Council Members
Member | Discipline | Nominating body |
Professor Georg Brasseur | Electrical Engineering | The Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Professor Michel Crucifix | Physics | The Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium |
Professor Julian Revalski | Mathematics | The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Professor Mirko Orlic | Geophysics | The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
Professor Costas N. Papanicolas | Solar and Particle Physics | The Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts |
Professor David Honys | Botany | The Czech Academy of Sciences |
Professor Michael Broberg Palmgren | Molecular and Plant Biology | The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences |
Professor Anne Kahru | Ecotoxicology | The Estonian Academy of Sciences |
Professor Mats Gyllenberg | Mathematics | Council of Finnish Academies |
Francis-André Wollman | Biology | The Academie des Sciences |
Professor Dr. Bernhard Fleischer | Immunology | The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |
Professor Loucas G. Christophorou | Physics | The Academy of Athens |
Professor György Kosztolányi | Medical Genetics | The Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
Professor Brian Norton | Physics and Engineering | The Royal Irish Academy |
Professor Andrea Rinaldo | Hydrology | The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei |
Professor Ivars Kalvins | Chemistry | The Latvian Academy of Sciences |
Professor Jūras Banys | Physics | The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences |
Professor Wim van Saarloos | Physics | The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts |
Professor Lise Övreås | Microbial Ecology | The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters |
Professor Romuald Zabielski | Veterinary Medicine | The Polish Academy of Sciences |
Professor Claudio Sunkel | Molecular Biology | The Academy of Sciences of Lisbon |
Professor Marius Andruh | Chemistry | The Romanian Academy |
Professor Karol Marhold | Plant Sciences / Botany | The Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Professor Franci Gabrovšek | Physics | The Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
Professor Manuel de Leon | Mathematics | The Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences |
Professor Birgitta Henriques Normark | Clinical Microbiology | The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences |
Professor Irmi Seidl | Economy | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences |
Professor Alison Noble | Biomedical Engineering | The Royal Society |
Professor Donald B. Dingwell | Geology | Academia Europaea |
Professor Marie Louise Nosch | Archaeology | ALLEA (All European Academies) |