As a drop in winds offers hope for the end of the battle against the huge wildfire in the outskirts of Athens, we have asked…
At the EASAC Secretariat, hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW) in Vienna, the position of a Scientific Policy Officer…
Monitoring the implementation of EU laws is crucial for success. In June, the EU has passed the Nature Restoration Law (NRL). The…
In recent years, the EU took first steps in reshaping its energy landscape. EASAC Energy Programme Director Dr. William Gillett…
Over the past decade, Europe has witnessed a dramatic rise in both the frequency and severity of wildfires. By total burnt surface…

Science Advice for the Benefit of Europe

EASAC is the voice of independent science advice, mobilising Europe’s leading scientists to guide EU policy for the benefit of society. It brings together the National Academies of Science of the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and UK.