EASAC Secretariat

The EASAC Secretariat is hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and is based in Vienna, Austria. The Secretariat is led by the Executive Director, assisted by the Management Officer and the Social Media and Communications Officer. Further administrative functions are managed in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy.

The Secretariat's responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the working process of EASAC's groups, including the organisation of meetings of Council, Bureau, Programme Steering Panels and working groups
  • Project management of EASAC working groups' outputs towards publication, launch & dissemination of EASAC Reports and Statements
  • Liaising with EU policy-makers, EU institutions and other EU and national agencies of relevance to EASAC's work
  • Maintaining close contact with EASAC member academies and liaising with other academy networks, e.g. IAPNASACALLEA
  • Organising EASAC's communication activities, such as press releases, newsletter and website

The Secretariat team

Georg Bërveniku-Brunner

Executive Director
georg.brunner [at] easac.eu
Tel. +43 1 51581 1217

Andrea Windegger

Management Officer​
​​​​​​andrea.windegger [at] easac.eu
Tel. +43 1 51581 1208


Charlotte Dietrich

Social Media and Communications Officer​​
​​​​​​charlotte.dietrich [at] easac.eu
Tel. +43 1 51581 1216

Sabine Froning

Communications Advisor
sabine.froning [at] easac.eu

Dr Rosa Castro

Director of the Biosciences and Public Health Programme
rosa.castro [at] easac.eu

Dr William Gillett

Director of the Energy Programme
william.gillett [at] easac.eu

Prof. Michael Norton

Outgoing Director of the Environment Programme
michael.norton [at] easac.eu

Prof. Thomas Elmqvist

Director of the Environment Programme
thomas.elmqvist [at] easac.eu

Katalin Fodor

Hungarian Academy,
supporting the Environment Programme

Nóra Deák

Hungarian Academy,
supporting the Environment Programme

Yorick Enters

Postdoc Policy Advisor of the Energy Programme
yorick.enters [at] easac.eu