Michael Ornetzeder
Michael Ornetzeder (Austria) is a Senior Academy Scientist at the Institute of Technology Assessment at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and a Lecturer at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna. His principal research interest is in technology studies, with a specific focus on the interrelations of social and technical innovations, the shaping and diffusion processes of technology, participation models, user involvement and sustainability. His current research is focused on the transition of the energy system towards greater sustainability and on climate change issues. Moreover, he serves as a Coordinating Lead Author of the APCC Special Report Strukturen für ein klimafreundliches Leben and is a member of the Commission on De-fossilisation and Carbon Neutrality of the European Energy System at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, which was established in 2024.
Link to ITA Homepage: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/en/ita/ornetzeder