Francesco Pegoraro
F. Pegoraro was born in Udine, Italy on 04/30/1947.
He studied physics at the University of Pisa and at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) of Pisa and graduated in physics in November 1970. He obtained his ``perfezionamento’’ (Doctorate) in physics in June 1974 at the SNS with a thesis on General Relativity.
He began his research activity in theoretical plasma physics in the two-year period 1974-76 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston USA. Upon returning to Italy in the autumn of 1976, he became Assistant Professor and then, in 1983, Associate Professor in plasma physics at the SNS. From September 1987 to November 1989 he held the role of Group Leader in the Theory division of the fusion experiment Joint European Torus (JET) in Culham (Oxford, UK).
In November 1990 he was appointed full Professor of theoretical physics at the University of Turin. In November 1996 he was appointed full professor of plasma physics at the University of Pisa where he served until November 2017 (retirement). In was performed within a network of international collaborations in the Netherlands (Fom Instituut voor Plasma Physica, Utrecht), in Russia (General Physics Institute, Moscow), in Japan (APRC-JAERI, Kizu), in China (National University of Defense Technology, Changsha) and in the United States (University of Texas at Austin) and in the Czech Republic in Prague (ELI Beamlines)
He served in several national and international Scientific Councils and Evaluation Committees and as co-editor of plasma physics journals.
In his research activity he investigated several aspects of plasma physics, its non-linear dynamics and its applications. His research ranges from the physics of controlled thermonuclear fusion, to magnetospheric and solar plasmas, to relativistic plasmas produced by the interaction with matter of high intensity laser pulses. He is the author or coauthor of 400 articles published in international refereed journals.