Francisco García Novo

Francisco Garcia Novo (Spain) represents the Royal Spanish Academy of Sciences in the Environment Steering Panel. He was born in Madrid in 1943 and is married with four children.

Ph. D in Ecology, U. Complutense. Madrid 1968. Post doc 1968-70 at the EstaÇao de Melhoramento de Plantas (Elvas, Portugal) and the Botany Department, U. of St Andrews, Scotland. Appointed Professor of Ecology at the University of Seville,1976.

His career focused on the ecology of vegetation and conservation, working in the Mediterranean basin and in South America countries. His studies of ecological history and human exploitation on ecosystems, included environmental studies (impact evaluation, sensitivity and vulnerability of ecosystems, biodiversity studies), conservation and restoration activities.

He has authored 250 publications including 21 books.

He belongs to the Spanish Royal Academy of Science, to the Academy of Sciences of Seville and to several Conservation institutions.