Simone Gingrich

Simone Gingrich (Austria) is associate professor in social ecology, focusing on long-term socio-ecological research, at BOKU University, Vienna. She holds a diploma in ecology from University of Vienna, and a PhD in social ecology from Alpen-Adria Universitaet. Her research addresses the environmental pressures exerted by societal land and resource use from a long-term socio-ecological perspective. She operationalizes quantitative methods from sustainability sciences for the analysis of historical industrialization processes. Increasingly, her research moves towards exploring the socio-political dynamics that shape land and resource use, and towards assessing options for resource use that are both ecologically and socially sustainable. Her major achievements include an ERC starting grant for the project “Hidden emissions of forest transitions” (2017) and the membership in the Austrian Academy of Sciences’ Young Academy (since 2018).