Academies' activities

New Science-for-Policy Initiative in Spain

ONAC (Oficina Nacional de Asesoramiento Científico/National Office for Science Advice) lies at the heart of the Spanish Government as a subdirectory depending on the ‘General Secretariat for Public Policy, European Affairs and Strategic Foresight’ at the Presidency of the Government.

This new Office is in charge of establishing institutional mechanisms to facilitate science advice, identifying and encouraging good advisory practices within and outside the public sector, and supporting the connection between the Government and the scientific talent that exists in research centres and universities.

ONAC currently has a few staff working directly within the cabinet, dedicated to coordinating the different scientific advice structures and mechanisms across government. One of their first measures will be creating positions for science advisers in every single ministry. ‘The adviser will be dedicated exclusively to connecting the ministry’s questions with answers, provided by universities and research centres.

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