News & Academies' activities
Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World
On 4-5 April 2019, EASAC's member, the Austrian Academy of Sciences, will convene the international symposium ”Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World.” Achieving the goals laid out in the Agenda 2030 in a mediatized world poses new challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders, including the scientific community.
Mediatization shapes public discourses and thus influences the way in which the Agenda 2030 is reflected, criticized, and implemented. Communication plays an important and sometimes decisive role in the awareness and individual acceptance and the political and economic legitimation of the SDGs due to digitalization, convergence, and globalization in a rapidly changing societal environment. The symposium will highlight these aspects, discuss the consequences across disciplines, and elaborate the implications of research related to the implementation of the Agenda 2030.
With this symposium, the Austrian Academy of Sciences intends to highlight the contributions that Austrian scientists can make to the SDGs, deepen the interdisciplinary dialogue among scientists and beyond, and better acquaint researchers with the SDGs. In particular, we welcome colleagues with areas of expertise not typically considered when discussing the SDGs.
The international symposium "Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Meditized World" strives to meet the criteria of the Austrian Eco-Label for Green Meetings and Green Events within the constraints that a historic building like the Austrian Academy’s main building carries. We take many visible and invisible measures to meet those criteria and encourage all participants of this event to support these efforts.
Contact: sdg(at) | T +43 (1) 51581 / 1208
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