News & Academies' activities

Successful workshop held on "Europe's Forests"


Work on the project Sustainability and Multi-functionality in Europe’s Forests is progressing well, and benefited on 16 February from a very successful workshop in the Royal Belgian Academies' building in Brussels at which 6 Commission officials and 2 other stakeholders gave presentations. A particular challenge for EU policy makers in relation to EU forests is that there is no EU competence for forests policy (this remains in the hands of each Member State), but many other EU policies have an impact on forests and on their related industries. Against this rather special policy background, the inputs from the different policy DG’s of the European Commission (agriculture, environment, climate action, energy, and growth) and the very dynamic debates and discussions which followed the Commission’s presentations will be a great help to the EASAC scientists as they work over the next couple of months to finalise their report and to focus their policy advice onto the most important issues facing EU policy makers today in relation to EU forests.

A corresponding working document available <link fileadmin images europe_s_forests easac_workshop_note_brussels_final.pdf download file>here.

<link fileadmin images europe_s_forests workshop_photo_20160216_100433_a.jpg download file>Workshop photo 1

<link fileadmin images europe_s_forests img_0068.jpg download file>Workshop photo 2

<link fileadmin images europe_s_forests img_0062.jpg download file>Workshop photo 3

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