Current Projects
Security of Sustainable Energy Supplies
EASAC’s latest energy project, which will address the security of sustainable energy supplies, began in February 2024 and is scheduled to deliver a report for publication early in 2025.
The project will build on earlier EASAC work on the Future of Gas and on the Decarbonisation of Transport and Buildings, as well as on the EASAC Commentary on the EU Hydrogen strategy, and on the earlier EASAC reports on Electricity Storage and Nuclear Waste management.
The study will address those aspects of energy security that must be prioritised by EU policy makers in their work to deliver the new 2040 targets and a sustainable energy transition to net zero emissions by 2050.
It will review the security of the integrated EU energy system, including energy supplies, transportation infrastructure, storage, and demand management and reduction, as well as the ability of the system to deliver adequate supplies of sustainable energy affordably over the year from a combination of EU based sources and a sufficiently diverse mix of supplies from third countries.
In addition, it will address environmental, climate, and biodiversity related issues, cyber security and IT, defence, and the security of supplies of raw materials and components for energy technologies from EU sources and imports.
The security of sustainable energy supplies will be reviewed from the perspectives of citizens, households (including prosumers), local communities, regions, Member States, industry, and the EU as a whole. Key energy security related socio-economic issues, including energy markets, emission trading, sector coupling / integration, energy poverty, justice, and financing will also be studied.