Neven Duic
Prof. dr. sc. Neven Duić (Croatia) is co-chair of the EASAC Energy Programme and a full professor at the Power Engineering at the Department of Energy, Power Engineering and Environment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (University of Zagreb).
He is Member of Strategic Committee for research infrastructure since 2017, Member of National committee for tracking European Commission's Framework programs for research and technology development since 2011, Co-ordinator of Croatian participation of 40 international scientific research projects.
Prof. Neven Duić published over 350 research papers, of which 154 in journals (of which 108 in journals referred in SCI/CC) He was cited 2173 times in Scopus and 1779 times in WoS. He gave more than 167 invited and keynote lectures.
He has organised several of the series of conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems and was a member of organising, scientific and programming committees of more than 57 research conferences.
His main areas of interests are energy policy and planning, energy economics, sustainable development policy and resource planning, climate change mitigation, combustion engineering and modelling, research and innovation policy.
Full CV: http://powerlab.fsb.hr/nduic/