Current Projects

Post-Publication Project Biosciences and Public Health

Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture

EASAC has conducted the European regional phase of a global IAP project in parallel with the three other regional academy networks within IAP (NASAC for Africa, AASSA for Asia and IANAS for the Americas).

All 4 regional reports and a fifth, global report have been published and widely disseminated. Among key follow-up discussions have been those with the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the G20 (Argentina Presidency) and the UN Economic Commission, with professional societies (e.g. for food science and technology), trade bodies (e.g. for plant breeding and chemical industries) and with the scientific community more broadly (e.g. annual meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the International Food Policy Research Institute). Further engagement activities are foreseen up to the end of 2019.

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